Oct 27, 2013 6:05 is a
time and place in history I would never forget, me and my wife coming from a wedding,
playing around driving I told my wife look my arm is dead, sure enough we was laughing,
told her to pitch it, which she did and I felt a tingle and that was it and again,
we laugh. At night while we was at my , in-laws house , having smoke at least a
half a pack between the wedding and 9:45 , chest felt kind of heavy. Went outside
for a cigarette and again I had a shortness of breath, finished it sat back down,
and saw my chest muscles moving erratic, I started to panic, but said nothing
went outside for another cigarette, not knowing what it was, my wife know me
and ask me why I’m I smoking a chain chimney, in 5 minutes I told her I was
I sat in the kitchen
waiting for my wife to finish her school work that she took from home , my
sister in law , caught me in the act of catching my breath and holding my chest,
my wife came over and looked at me in
the eye’s and ask me what was wrong I said nothing..
We drove home and it
was quiet, I was quiet my body was quiet, and I started to think about my dad WHO
DIED YOUNG..and started to tear up...and my wife asked me to pull over the car…I
told her I can’t move, she said slow down, I pulled over to our apartment complex,
and told her I don’t feel good something is wrong but I don’t know what it is..I
told her I’m going to smoke another cigarette and she told me If I smoke, that
might be my last one...scared and mad at the same time for I had a few more
ciggertte knowing I can’t smoke in the hospital..We went to st frances...a heart
specialist hospital we went to the emergency room and told them the symptoms , I
took a sit and there it goes , they came and got me and ask me to come to the
back …it took me 10 sec’s to respond I said okay ,my right arm is dead now for
good , im thinking heart attack they ask me a million question’s than told me
to raise my arm I can’t I told then it was a 10 sec delay, than they started to
pincth my arm again this time I felt nothing, they was talking amongst each other , and told me I needed to be
admitted immediately I said whats wrong and I said jokingly
“ what im having a stroke or something??” she
said maybe
An hour later I was in
the back room, paralyze already in my legs, arms and face in my right side...left
hand and face is the only thing moving, nurse told me I might not make it…I told
him when I could go back to work he said I might not walk again ….noooo I started
screaming my wife ask me what was wrong..And told her I’m a a
alpha male I can’t move and told me I might be paralyze my blood pressure was
206/156 .
The doctor came in, I was
so embarrassed this is the same doctor that told me , to stop smoking because I
had bronchitis and If I wanted to see my grandkids , grow up I need to stop ,
again embarrassed I cover my face with
the sheets like a little child..And told me I had a TIA, stroke and I came in
on time...
They send me to the MRI,
and sure enough there was a block in my left temple...all from smoking no
family history , of course it got worser and worser my poor wife , praying and
dabbing my mouth with ice , for I felt nothing else but her hands on my lips..I
looked at her and told her I’m sorry...and my eyes rolled back for two seconds
and in those two seconds, my life that instint..
Emotional/mental recovery
If you are reading
this most likely, you are a victim, of a stroke victim
Meaning what your love
one or friend is dealing with, is more than a person
Can bare I should know
when I first came home, and I was sitting in the kitchen Table tired, I asked
my wife for a glass of water, next thing I know I did’t Remember telling her I wanted
water and I was fussing, I apologize later on that Night
you must be patient
with your love one for he/she does not know what’s going on
In their head, the
emotional outburst are worst...i would cry and my wife would tell me..
I would be okay...than
I would turn around and drive away like nothing happened Or I would random hold
my head in anger...and start hitting the steering wheel
I would say my favorite
lines ” I just want to be normal again…”
Memory loss
Sometime’s with strokes you loose your memory , and it comes back
gradually hopefully it does it took me , a couple of month’s to remember who I was
, and who are my co-workers and family member’s . My wife, been there for me
since day one and im only 36. I refuse to be a man that is helped , by my wife
for the lord said for me and my house hold, we should serve the lord . Meaning
im a man, and even though pride almost killed me I would refuse, that I am sick
and I am healed.. cure for memory loss excersice your brains here: sudoki,
memory games , crossword puzzles, logic puzzles , and the rubik cube which I could
do with little help from there guide..
If you would like an alternative to casually picking up girls and trying to find out the right thing to say...
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